所以分析了很久 智慧型手機到底適不適合自己多出來的跟分期付款一樣還是到最後多得花那些費用...
後來想想電腦已經是生活佔很大的時間了 ...
我很想過「無電的生活」 ..不小心無電了就可以不接起電話
聽說朋友曾經消失一個月 ...還是自己說出來說那段時間把手機、筆電、通通留在家專心的當背包客
我也是阿!我也好想刻意把手機不小心留在家, 不用在意電話來的那頭 ..
我的手機其實可以免費上網可是我不喜歡在小鍵盤打字...( 一直沒去研究它) XD
最近看了一些人在用智慧型手機 好像很耗電費 ..
下面這篇寫的是我比較中意的ipad類..它說一天只需充電一次..還沒下好離手呢 ~
寫的心癢癢的 ....(忍住)
這可提醒我不是注意天氣影響連線的問題還要注意充電的麻煩 ..下面有說到一天只須充一次電
我看上的是apple iPad. 2-16g..因為我正好在雨天測用...可是又想有可以雙用的筆電功能 ...
ipad不想下手也是因為如果在地下室收尋不到 (哎...偏偏我也常去那空間...不是你想那樣不是酒店..)
所以還是需要念書的還是iPad.會比較省 ...這是目前心得
不然老天爺阿聽到我的呼叫送我一個ipad吧 <:)
當你一邊喝咖啡、一邊利用iPad玩遊戲、接收Email、看新聞時,有沒有想過這款行動裝置的耗電量呢?根據研究機構Electric Power Research Institute最新發表報告,iPad一年耗電量只要11.86度,以美國平均電價計算,每年付出電費只要1.36美元。
研究員Baskar Vairmohan表示,以new iPad為例,用戶每隔一天充電一次,一年的耗電量為11.86度,以每一度電平均價格11.49美分計算,iPad一整年電費只要1.36美元,EPRI同時計算iPhone 4的用電成本,也是便宜的驚人:只要38美分。
t costs just $1.36 to charge an iPad for a year
By JONATHAN FAHEY, AP Energy Writer – 17 hours ago
NEW YORK (AP) — That coffee you're drinking while gazing at your iPad? It cost more than all the electricity needed to run those games, emails, videos and news stories for a year.
The annual cost to charge an iPad is just $1.36, according to the Electric Power Research Institute, a non-profit research and development group funded by electric utilities.
By comparison, a 60-watt compact fluorescent bulb costs $1.61, a desktop PC adds up to $28.21 and a refrigerator runs you $65.72.
The group, known as EPRI, studied the power consumption of Apple Inc.'s iPad to determine the effect that the newly-popular devices might have on the nation's electricity use.
The answer: not much.
If the number of iPads triples from the current 67 million, they would need the electricity from one small power plant operating at full strength.
But if people are using iPads instead of televisions to play video games, or ditching their desktop computers for iPads, the shift to tablets could mean lower overall power consumption. A desktop computer uses 20 times more power than an iPad.
Baskar Vairmohan, the EPRI researcher who conducted the iPad test, said the group is now studying usage to understand whether the explosion of tablets is adding to power consumption, or reducing it.
Residential power demand is on track to fall for the third straight year, according to the government. A weak economy is keeping people in smaller houses and shacked up with others. At the same time, efficiency programs are pushing more efficient light bulbs, air conditioners and other devices into homes. Refrigerators use a quarter of the power they used a generation ago, according to EPRI.
For the iPad test, Vairmohan measured the amount of power used to charge up an iPad with a drained battery. He assumed that users would charge up every other day. Over a year, the latest version of the iPad consumed 11.86 kilowatt-hours of electricity. (Older versions consume somewhat less power.)
The juice would cost $1.36 at the U.S. average residential price of 11.49 cents per kilowatt-hour.
But there's an even cheaper way to go than the iPad. EPRI calculated the cost of power needed to fuel an iPhone 4 for year: just 38 cents.
Follow Jonathan Fahey at http://twitter.com/JonathanFahey .
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